&hint1=I am a 20th century photograph& &hint2=This piece uses language and advertising imagery to deconstruct social roles& &hint3=This work depicts the aggressiveness of men in consuming women as objects& &hint4=This artist's works turn product marketing into social protest& &choices=The Flag is Bleeding;Shield of Quality;Untitled Film Still No 3;Bitter Nest Part 5: Homecoming;Untitled (Your gaze hits the side of my face);Elephant Dung Sculpture& &answer=Untitled (Your gaze hits the side of my face)& &search=Kruger your gaze& &title=Untitled (Your gaze hits the side of my face)& &artist=Barbara Kruger& &medium=Photograph& &date=1981& &location=Mary Boone Gallery, New York, Collection Vijak Mahdavi and Bernardo Nadal-Ginard& &dimensions=4'7" x 3'5"&